Sunday, 11 January 2015

Be compassionate.

Be compassionate.
“The topic of compassion is not at all religious business; it is important to know it is human business, it is a question of human survival.”
Dalai Lama

Research now shows that when you are compassionate, you experience a similar feeling of pleasure as when you have sex, good food or a relaxing holiday. Basically, showing compassion is good for your health. Take compassionate action and get the “giver’s high.” Benefits are reduced stress, more regular heart beat and improved immune system.

You can show compassion by understanding the person’s feelings and emotions. That means talking to them and trying to share what they are going through. It is more demanding than a mere act of kindness. If you are compassionate, you are going to get emotionally involved. You also ask what help is needed. You could apply this to:

  • A friend who is ill
  • Someone who has lost their job
  • A relative who has been bereaved
  • Someone going through a separation
  • A homeless person
You can read the full article at the source 

Sunday, 4 January 2015

Where are my penguins?

"Where are my penguins?", asked Kiki.
Kiki knew her penguins should be somewhere, Papi told her he had found the penguins. But she could not find them.
Where are my penguins?

Kiki searched the room for the penguins, no sign of the penguins.
"Where are my penguins?", asked Kiki again.
"They must be close to water!", said Papi.
Kiki was thinking, where could the penguins find water? In the bathroom of course!
Kiki searched the bathroom for the penguins, no sign of the penguins.
"Where are my penguins?", asked Kiki again.
"They must be in the cold!", said Papi.
Kiki was thinking, where could the penguins find cold? In the kitchen, by the fridge!
Kiki searched the kitchen for the penguins, no sign of the penguins.
"Where are my penguins?", asked Kiki again.
"They must be looking for fish!", said Papi.
Kiki was thinking, where could the penguins find fish? In the living room, by the aquarium!
Kiki searched the living room for the penguins, no sign of the penguins.
"Where are my penguins?", asked Kiki again.
DING DONG, the doorbell rang.
Kiki ran to the door and found Papi opening the door.
The man of the yellow truck was at the door, he was holding a big box.
Papi took the box to the living room, and Kiki wanted to open the box.
"Can I open the box Papi?", Asked Kiki.
"Yes, sure, want some help?".
Kiki was just waiting for the YES. As soon as Papi said yes she started opening the box.
From the box jumped the penguins.