Monday, 22 July 2013

The Tent

What happens when you dress up your child in costumes ? Does your child play the part of the costume ? Does he enter into roleplay ? Do you play games with him in costumes ? What are his reactions ? Does it generate stories that live for a while ? Tell me your story.
Here is mine...

The little girl tied the red scarf around her neck. It was part of the little girl's dress code together with blue jeans and yellow shirt. A white waistcoat with black patches topped by a cool cowboy hat.
Sheriff Woody would definitively pick her for deputy. The little girl was soon to meet the Sheriff as he was out searching for the lost black sheep of the herd.
The little had made a drawing of when Sheriff Woody crossed the bridge at the borders of the town. It was an impressive moment for the little girl, for she had never seen anybody go so far from town, and even less to cross the bridge to unknown land. The drawing was to be her present to Sheriff Woody. She made the drawing with all the details, the green Sheriff with the big blue sheriff cross that went from boots to the sheriff's hat. The noble and faithful purple horse to every detail crossing the long red bridge over the curly blue river. You could see the fear in the sheriff's eyes as he tried to avoid eye contact with the huge mouth green crocodile with five dangerous teeth. It would certainly be very bad for Sheriff Woody if the huge mouth green crocodile would have laid the two top teeth or the three bottom teeth in the sheriff's leg.
The other side the little girl did not see. She only heard stories from her father that was working in the saloon cleaning glasses all day. But her father was the best bartender of all the town. There was not a better bartender in all of the town to be found, even at the only saloon where the Indians went to fetch the firewater. The little girl never understood why the Indians liked firewater or firerice, or firechicken, or firepotatoes. All of those firethings made her breath heavily and drink a lot of water. But the Indians liked their curry very much, they eat it all day, they eat it all night, they were always eating curry.
But the little girl's father did tell her the stories of the other side of the bridge. Father always told her the stories of the strange land of the Indians. The little girl even listened once to her father talking with the Indians after he had sent her to bed. She did not sleep. The little girl and her white stuffed dog Lightbulb had gone on tiptoes to the saloon's kitchen door and listened on father speaking with the Indians.
Father told the story of the magic tent that traveled to the moon every night that the moon was a full circle up in the night sky. It seemed that the Indians traveled many times to the moon, and brought all wonderful things from the moon. And one time Sheriff Woody went to the tent to have tea with the chief father of Tiger Lily and Peter Pan, it was when the astronaut crashed on the moon. Sheriff Woody with the help of Peter Pan and the magic tent went to the moon to rescue the astronaut.
Now father gave the little girl the magic tent. It is now in little girl's room. Every night that the moon is a full circle, the little girl will sleep in the magic tent, and in the mornings will tell father the real stories of what happens in the moon. And she knows the secret. The moon is friend of a painter. But the painter is very bad, he is always painting the moon and erasing the moon to make the circle good. The painter does not know how to make good round circles, that is why he is always erasing and painting the moon.

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