Sunday 9 February 2014


Do you know who to trust ? And your kids ? Did you teach them how to differentiate between trustworthy and non-trustworthy ? Do they trust the Police ? Do they trust their teacher ? How did you explain them what are bad people that can harm them ? What safety and confidence do you have in their surroundings ? How do they know who are the bad people ? Tell me your story, here is mine...

The policeman was doing is round. The Little Girl looked at the policeman in curiosity.
"Hello Mr. Policeman!", said the Little Girl.
The policeman seemed surprised, but smiled back at the Little Girl. "Hello Little Girl, how are you!", replied the policeman.
"I am good. Are you going to arrest bad people ?", asked the Little Girl.
The policeman laughed out loud, "Yes Little Girl, if I see bad people I will arrest them."
"that is good, If bad people come to rob the house, we will call you to arrest them!", said the Little Girl.
"Yes, you do that!", answered the policeman.
"Have you arrested many bad people ?", continued the Little Girl.
"Some, when they do bad things!", answered politely the policeman.
"Are there many bad people here ? Can we go safe to the kindergarten ?", insisted the curious Little Girl.
"This is a good neighborhood, if you see bad people call the police!"
"Thank you Mr. Policeman, it is very important to have police to take care of the dangerous bad people!", said the Little Girl.
"Thank You Little Girl", answered the policeman.

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