Saturday 29 March 2014

Books final proof approved

What a great day!

What a great day today, the first two books final proof has been approved today. Both titles will be available on Amazon worldwide in 7 days in paper-cover format. The kindle versions are already available. I am really excited and need to say a huge thank you to everybody that as helped me in this quest. Some more actively, other not so, but nevertheless a simple like on my facebook page has been enough to keep me motivated into continuing the work.

I have referenced the first 100 facebook fans in the books dedication. I really appreciate your support, many of you I know personally, others not, but the simple fact that you have given me your support really means a lot to me. You believed and motivated me when the book was just a simple idea.
Now we have two books that have stories to live on their own, that my daughter enjoys each time I tell them to her while she looks at the pictures. I hope you can have this shared experience between yourselves and your children as you read the book to them. It is really something special I feel each time we read a book for the second or third, or nth time, as they know the story and listen to it over and over again, they seem to enjoy it even more, and even tell pieces of the story as we read it.

I have one more thing to ask you, it is really, really important. If you do buy the book, be it the paper-cover or the kindle version, please, please, do write a review on it at amazon's site. My belief is that the true experience of reading the book for your child comes from the paper-cover version, therefore I have asked to price the kindle version at minimum price, it's just for people to read it and get the feeling for what the book is. Maybe they enjoy it and get the paper-cover version to experience the reading to their children or grandchildren.

Have many, many ours of shared love with your children, and do share with me your stories. It is great to have a pool of experiences to make some fantastic stories come to life.


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